I return, fingers vigourously typing after my time away, from an incredibly relaxing vacation to Cabo San Lucas. After diligent research I found a cheap and highly rated hotel from Trip Advisor on a private beach that turned out to be a little oasis of paradise. It was no resort by any means, the hotel was small and the beach chairs limited. But the ocean view from our room, the guacamole from the hotel restaurant, and the secluded spot secured by the fam every morning to lie on our chairs in peace was priceless. I am sad to say that while the majority of A-List stars made their way to Cabo for New Years, somehow my sister and I managed to miss even one celeb sighting during our stay. We patroled the marina bars and retaurants at night for even a glimpse of a blonde strand as it made its way into a VIP booth at Nowhere Bar (ahem, Cameron Diaz, where were you??), but no such luck.
Jessica Alba, Cindy Crawford
George Clooney and Elisabeta Cannalis
Cameron Diaz and A-Rod
Molly Sims
*images from People.com
Despite our lack of A-List run-ins, I managed to find other ways to entertain myself. First and foremost, working on my golden tan. Second, the squeal of delight at finally coming upon the Missoni-designed San Pelligrino bottle (even the smallest bit of shallow fashion references make me happy).
And lastly, scouring multiple silver shops for a mix of bangles - music to my ears to remind me of my stay in Mexico.

Suddenly, my Dad gained an adventurous streak while on vacation and wanted us to go ziplining. I was intrigued and though my sister wasn't immediately thrilled at the idea, we all agreed to forgo a couple of hours in the sun for the activity. Of course we had the time of our lives, zipping down at high speeds guided by shifty Mexican-regulation safety gear under the watch of locals Miguel, Miguelito, and RRRRandall (roll your r's with me people). I decided to zip a few turns upside down on the line, jumped off the bungie swing at full speed, and finished with a newfound sense of invinsibility. Our leaders were a couple of jokesters, and as I denounced fear walking with swagger, a tarantula was discovered among the sands near our van and Miguel bent down for a closer look (and to pick it up, naturally). Now, as brave as I am, I don't have a death wish or a desire to feel their furry legs on my skin. As I ran from the tarantula, it was discovered to be dead, but it was too late for I had already clotheslined myself on the low zipline for a lasting welt on my face, leaving my sister with the satisfying image of the crash to hold over my head for a lifetime.

Hahahahahah Jill.. I'm so proud of the Ormands Adventures in Cabo!!! Glad u guys had a good vacay... Miss u mucho and cant wait to see you in the dirty south oh so very soon. LOVE YA